Goat Knoll - Cashmere goats and cashmere fiber from an Oregon farm
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Go to Year: | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 |
January 1996
February 1996
March 1996
April 1996
May 1996
June 1996
July 1996
Reflections - A Good Farmer, Notes from New Publisher (Mission
Statement), China Trade, Poisonous Buttercup, IV International
Conference on Goats, Recipe (Goat Bar-B-Que), CCAGA - New Cashmere
and Angora Goat Association, Goats in Cyberspace, Goat Widow's
Tale, Introducing Chevresse, About Rocky Mountain Exotic Fibre,
Metric Conversion Chart, A Conversation with Terry Sim, Drought
in Texas, Update on CAE, How to Become a Better Sheep (Goat)
Manager, Skin Diseases.
August 1996
Reflections - Couples Working Together on the Farm, Farm Feature - Paulins
(Washington), Goateaters Anonymous (Predators), Whatever Happened to Whatawhata,
The Fleece Checks are Here!, The Domino Theory (Planning), Castrating Buck
Kids, Introducing CashMirror's Internet Home Page, Convergence '96, Can You
Milk Them? - Yes!, NWCA Fleece Competition Results, '96 Black Sheep Gathering.
September 1996 (Breeders'
Reflections - Fencing, Fencing, Fencing to Avoid Breeding, Breeding, Breeding,
Ten Rules for Breeding Goats, Fiber Testing in the USA, Interpreting Fleece
Test Results, Farm Feature - John Harris (Nebraska), Introducing the Faure
Island Goat, How to Build a Mineral Mix Feeder, George Howe:
Maker of (Spinning) Wheels, Observations on Breeding, Breeding Terms, Report
of Cashmere Research in Europe - Part I, Mad Cow Disease - Are Goats Susceptible?
October 1996
Reflections - Little Lost Goats, Farm Feature - Hinchman/ Weber (New Jersey),
Report of Cashmere Research in Europe -Part n, John Mionczynksi - Man of Many
Talents, Taking Your Goat on an Interstate Trip, How to Order China Conference
Proceedings, Australian Goat Notes & CaPrA Goat Notes, Farm Fair International
(Canada) Goat Gala, Recipe - Durham Chevon Squab Pie, How to Get Your Goat,
Spinning Basics, CaPrA/Cashmere Wyoming conference - Spinning Track and Breeding
Track, How to Dye with Koolaid, The Great American Goat Roundup (CaPrA Conference).
November 1996
Reflections - Billy's Harem, Good Deal! Breeders Are on the Internet!, Recipes
(3), Goat Replaces Beef at the Palace, Cashmere Kids 4-H Group Visits Goat
Knoll, Montana Knits, CaPrA Fleece Contest Results (corrected). Livestock
Guarding Dogs, PCMA Business of Cashmere Conference n. General Health Management
of Goats, Advanced Cashmere Breeding, ECA Fleece Competition Winners.
December 1996
Reflections - The Night Before Christmas, Introducing a Contest!, Avoiding
Micron Madness, Ranch Feature - Bartons (Texas), Hand Combing and Hand De-hairing
Your Own Cashmere, Breeding Types (Rated X), Interview with Mild Goat Men,
Zhongwei Goats, The Buck Stops Here or Who Are You Kidding?, Advanced Breeding
For Homozygous White Cashmere, PJ's Low-tech Tips, Dehairing Options 1997,
Yield and Recoverable Yield of Cashmere Fleeces, Fibre News Becomes The Goat
January 1997
Reflections - Finding the New Bam, About That New CaPrA President, Goats in
Cyberspace, Marketing Cashmere Garments in Australia, Announcing Third Annual
Winter Pygora Goat & Fiber Frenzy, Insurance For Goats, Shelters for Goats,
A Plan for A Goat Shelter, Goat Statistics, Cashmere and the Textile Heritage
of India, Consider the Shahtoosh!, Taxes -How to Write off Your Goat, Musings
(About Mona) From the Manure Pile.
February 1997
Reflections -Kidding/Lambing, Contest Results, Explanation of Contest Results,
Farm Feature - Kim Washbum (Oregon), Montana Knits Announces '97 Fleece Prices,
Cashmere America Co-op News, Kidding Around - Kidding Tips, Normal Birth Instructions
for Midwife Paul, PJ's First Goat Midwifery, Knitting in America - A Book
Report, Kidding Difficulties, Why Do We Trim Hooves?, Langston University
Goat Research, Trimming the Hooves of Goats, Third Annual Pygora Fiber Frenzy,
Goat People - Michelle Dobbins and Marilyn Ackley, Macaulay Land Use Research
Institute, Goats on the Web.
March 1997
Reflections - Little Lost Pig, Shearers Without Terry (A Support Group), Who
is Christopher Lupton (of Texas A&M)?, Enforcing Trading Standards in
Cashmere and Camel Hair Marketing, On the Cashmere Trail - in China, Cashmere
Research in Europe, Rare Natural Animals Fibres - Australian RIRDC organization.
How a Ruminant Ruminates, How the Kids Eat (Little Digestive Systems), Goat
Teeth, Grunt -Pigorian Chants - a Book Report, Cashmere's Story, Lambing (Kidding)
Tips, Computer Links.
April 1997
Reflections - Hunting for Eggs, Zoonotic Diseases, Peoplenotics, The Cashmere
Dream, News from the Co-op, Good Goat Words (A Glossary), Goat Parasites,
Goat Herding for the Technically-Challenged, Goat Recipes (3), Quiz for the
Goat-Inclined, FoxMoor Farm's Field Day, The Rights of Spring, 1997 Co-op
Purchase Prices, Goats on the Web.
May 1997
Reflections - Will the Real Mother Please Stand Up?, Joe Dooling Receives
FFA Award, Goat People - Heidi Smith and Pat Fuhr, The Clostridial Diseases,
Unseen Fiber Arts (Spinning Presentation to Blind), Fiber Testing Update,
Claude Montana vs. Montana Knits, Finishing Kids, Photosensitization, The
LSIRD Nafplio (Greece) Conference, Thoughts on Mother's Day - Types of Goat
Mothers, Eradication Program for CL in the Netherlands, Edens Obtains Grant
for Cashmere Goats, Kindler Gentler Chicken???
June 1997
Reflections - Avoiding Poisonous Plants, Possibilities for Cashmere Production
in South Africa, Fiber Fair photos - Mt. Vemon WA, Interesting Facts - South
African Cashmere Goats, Can the Cashmere Goat be a Competitior to the Hill
Sheep?, Farm Feature - Goulds (Oregon), Now That I Got the Fuzz Off My Goat
What do I Do With It?, The Handspinner Market, Plants Poisonous to Goats,
List of Poisonous Plants.
July 1997
Reflections - Surprises, 1996 International Goat Conference Report, Recipe
(Chevon Chops with Stuffing), New Market for Meat Goats, Plan for Goat Feeder,
Spinning Cashmere, A Spinner's Thoughts about Cashmere, Goat Nutrition 101,
A Journey into the Heart of Goat Country (Texas), What's in a Wattle?
August 1997
Reflections - Taking the Kids to the Fair, Bronwyn Schuetze - American Cashmere's
First Lady (Colorado), Teamsters File Grievance over Goats, Patchouli - A
Scent from the Past, Goats as Leaders for Other Species, Altai Mountain Cashmere
Goat, When Is your Doe in Heat?, Goat Sex, Geeps, Goat Shelf Life.
September 1997
Reflections - Save the Goats (Build Fences), Looking Back, Animal Fibres -
Adding Value through Producer Co-operation, Vicious Attack of the Liner Pygoras,
Pygoras Get Slammed by Unruly Cashmere Goat, Book Report (Proceedings VI International
Conference on Goats), Production Systems of Chinese Cashmere Goats, Predators!,
Born to Be Mild (a song), Housing, Fencing and Working Facilities, What Do
my Customers Really Want?
October 1997
Reflections - Leaving on a Jet Plane-With Goats, Black Sheep Gathering photos,
Goat Recipes (Grilled Leg, Rice and Goat Meat, Barley Soup, Cabrito Tacos),
Fiber Goats Go to the Utah State Fair, Goat Breeding (A.I. vs. the old fashioned
way), Artificial Insemination of Dairy Goats, Castle Crags Ranch Named 1997
Montana Family Business of the Year, Production Systems for Goat Fibre in
Europe, Africa and the Americas, Goat People-Christy Proost (Virginia), Fencing
Options for Goats.
November 1997
Reflections - Souvenirs, Big Neck Contest Winner, 1997 Oregon Flock &
Fiber Festival Report and Fleece/Goat Show Results, Raising Cashmere Goats
the Forbes Way, Goat People - Laura Foran (Oregon), Plans for Cashmere Maintenance
Stand, Interpreting a Feed Tag, Objective Methods for Characterizing Cashmere,
1997 ECA Fleece Competition Results.
December 1997
Reflections - Weather Pig, The $5,000 Cashmere Sweater, Thugs with Cashmere,
Supplemental Winter Feeding of Goats, Cashmere: From Shovel to Shawl, John
Harris Obituary, Official Report of First Mild Goat Men Meeting, Fair, Fiber
and Fun (Virginia State Fair), Business of Cashmere Conference III - An Overview,
European Fine Fibre Network Receives New Funding, Weed Control Strategies
Using Cashmere Goats, How to Hotwire a Goat, Tunes for Wethers.
January 1998
Reflections - Take a Walk on the Wild Side, Drowning Alert for Kids, Good
Goat Movies to Watch For, Scottish Cashmere Goat Breeding Programme Pays Handsome
Dividends, Oregon's 4th Annual 1998 Pygora Goat & Fiber Frenzy, Goat People
- Randy Baker (Oregon) and Diane Cookingham (Massachusetts), Combing Tips
from Pat Fuhr, Rapid Manufacturing of Goat Milk Mozzarella Cheese, Book Report
(Musk Ox Babies of the Far North), Goats, Fleeces and Lemon Meringue Soup
(Dooling Classing Clinic), Forage and Range Research Laboratory, The Goat
Skeleton, New Goat URL's.
February 1998
Reflections - Sheep Shearing, National Western Stock Show Cashmere Goat Awards,
Why the National Western?, The Heifer Project, Montana Knits Announces 1998
Prices, Cashmere America Cooperative Announces Prices, National Western Stock
Cashmere Goat Shearing Championship Competition Rules, Shearing Contest Guidelines
for the Rest of Us, Shearing 101, Goat Show-Mobile, Just Kidding Around (False
Pregnancy), New Regulations Considered for Scrapie Control, What is Scrapie?,
Classing Cashmere with Terry Sim.
March 1998
Reflections - Spin Cycles, When to Evaluate (cashmere), Objective Measurement
of Cashmere and its Role in Breeding Programmes, Marketing your Cashmere Goats,
Lactic Acidosis in Goats, Did you Know Where the Good Cashmere Comes From?,
Texas Cashmere Association International Cashmere/Meat Goat Registry, Does
Your Goat Practice Safe Sex (Lutalyse), Recipes (Kid Goat Stew, Barbecue Young
Goat, Hawaiian Goat Mini-Kabobs), Chevon - The Other Red Meat, How About That
Old Hay?, Animal Husbandry, Johne's Disease - What Do I Need to Know?, Mongolia,
Cashmere and the Gobi Cashmere Company.
April 1998
Reflections - The Kids are Here, Scrolls from the Dead Sea, CaPrA Update,
Tips to Help Make Exhibiting Easier, Baking Soda - A Goat's Best Friend, Book
Reports (Cashmere - A Complete Guide from Fibre to Fashion and Goat Unit Study),
Martha Steward Does Cashmere, Heartwater, Cashmere 2000 (Australia), A Tribute
to Things that Herd (Goats), Urinary Stones in Goats, More Stone Information,
What Goes in Must Come Out - Goat Manure, Kid Poop, Fiber Definitions, New
Internet Links, Recipes ( Cabrito and Vegetable Casserole, Curried Cabrito),
Pattern for Cashmere Scarf.
May 1998
Reflections - Samantha, What to Do with a Male (Goat), The Potential of Cashmere
Production in South Africa, What is CSIR and TEKTEK?, Poison Wood, Dracula's
Goats, Books to NOT Read (several), Goat Milk Versus Cow Milk, Recipe (Southwest
Leg of Goat), On the Cover of the Rolling Stone...sort of, Current Research
Projects Involving Cashmere-producing Goats, Goats Produce Drugs, Northwest
FiberFest Cashmere Fleece Competition Results.
June 1998
Reflections - Goat Ladies, Washington Isn't the Only Place that Depends on
Gates, Farm Feature - Hokulani Farms (Oregon), Pavlov's Goats, Weighing a
Goat (Goat Tapes), Goat Stomach Worms, Fibre News Becomes the Goat Farmer
Becomes the Dairy Goat Farmer?, Horn Etiquette, The Horns of a Goat, Wether
Report, Guard Llama Study, Selenium, Learn How to Kid When You Want To, Breeding
Characteristics of Changthangi Pashmina Goat, Did You Shear this Year?, Goats
are Opportunists.
July 1998
Reflections - Landscaping with Goats, Sheep and Dave, Introducing Linda Cortright
- Eastern Correspondent, Iodine Deficiency, Nutrition in Cashmere Goats, Short
Interval Kidding System, More Bad Press for Goats, Goat Poop (marketing of),
Trick Goats (photo page), Louisiana Loses Brucellosis Class-Free Status, Brucellosis
in Goats, Australian Report of Dehairing Research Project, Black Sheep Gathering,
Index to CashMirror 7/98-6/99.
August 1998
Reflections - Why Can't My Goats be Real Livestock?, Airy Knoll Farms, Inc.
- The Jensens, Sue Cullers Method for Moving Kids, Portland Oregonian Features
"Cachet of Cashmere", Dehairing with Steve Hachenberger, Do You
Suffer from Hay Anxiety?, Increasing Numbers of Elite Stock with Embryo Transfer
in Sheep and Goats, Cashmere Fleece Competition Australian Style, Poetry for
September 1998
Guard Hair Contest, Reflections - Encouraging Social Graces in Young Does,
Table of Symptoms of Mineral Deficiencies/Excesses in Goats, Introducing Yvonne
Zweede-Tucker - North Rocky Mountain Correspondent, Cashmere Shawl Pattern
Alert, Brief Comments on Line Breeding, Breeding Schemes, The Superior Animals
- How Good Are They Statistically Speaking, Sustainable Agriculture - What's
In It for Me?, Recent Advances in Mineral Nutrition of Goats.
October 1998
Reflections - Happy Birthday to Paul, It's the Fuzz Silly, The Horns of a
Dilemma, Speaking of Horns, Show Me the Money, Food Animals Residue Avoidance
Databank, Reality Check, Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival (photo page), NWCA
Fleece Competition Results, Income Taxes - the Hobby Loss Rules, Why Do I
Really Prefer Goats, Cashmere Goats at the Evergreen State Fair (WA), Shahtoosh
Fibres, Shahtoosh Seizure in the U.K.
November 1998
CashMirror Ten Year Anniversary, Reflections - Pig Tales, Study of the Feasibility
of Cashmere Production in the European Union, Rut for Men, ECA Fleece Competition
and Goat Show Results, Goat Meat Recipes, Organizing a Fleece Competition,
Meat Market and Other Good Information, Cashmere Qualities of the Chinese
Shandong Goats, NWCA Goat Show Results, Chevon Meat Cuts.
December 1998
Reflections - Rainy Days, Farm Fair International Goat Gala (Canada), Farm
Fair Fleece Competition and Goat Show Results, Matching Livestock and Forage
Resources in Controlled Grazing, Goats and Agroforestry, Agroforestry Our
Way, Double Teats, The Multi-Purpose Goat, Cashmere Goats Invade New York
Sheep and Wool Festival, Injections Made Easy, My Christmas Wish List, Giant
Stride Farm - Gerry and Pat Fuhr, Goat People - Vicki Biggs, The Goat Math
Quiz, History of Cashmere in Australia, What is Cashdown Goats?
January 1999
New Years Resolutions, Reflections - My First Cashmere Socks, Llama Kissing
Back in Vogue, Portable Weed Eaters a Hot New Business, Edens' Weed Control
Project Update, About Leafy Spurge, Disposing of Dead Goats, Computer Wisdom,
Medicine Cabinet for Sheep and Goat Producers - Part I, Goat Gadgets - Wes
Ackley Hay Feeder, New Test for Scrapie, Scrapie - Washington Flock Destroyed,
Common Skin Diseases in Goats, Hairballs, Goat Feet and Legs, USDA to Test
Animal Health Emergency Management System, Cashmere Research Projects.
February 1999
Guard Hair Contest Results, Reflections - Home Research, Breezy Meadow Cashmere
Farm - Doug and Roberta Maier, Marketing - The Maiers' Way, Tape Report -
Who's Coming to Dinner?, Thoughts About Marketing Meat Goats, Advertising
with Passion, Defining Moments Between Man and Goat, Goat Gadgets - Creep
Feeder, Medicine Cabinet for Sheep and Goat Producers - Part II, Letter from
Terry Sim, Livestock Handling Using Basic Livestock Psychology, Good Jokes,
The King and I.
March 1999
Reflections - Waiting for the Kids to Arrive, Black Locust Farm - Yvonne and
Lance Taylor, 1999 Domestic Cashmere Prices, National Western Stock Show Goat
and Shearing Contest Results, National Western Stock Show, Fiber Classing...and
More with Kris McGuire, Book Reports - Buster, the Cashmere Goat and Goatkeeping
101, Objective Measurement and Prediction of Cashmere Style, Nutritional Causes
of Reproductive Losses, Goat and Sheep Meat Definitions and Information, Goof
of the Season.
April 1999
Reflections - The Intercom, Cashmere Goats in Mongolia, The Importance of
Being Coded, Optimizing Growth & Health of Newborn and Growing Kids, Range
Wars in West Texas, Spinning Spider Silk from Goats Milk, Kid Shots (photo
page), Book Report - Gossamer Webs, How to Make Your Own Gossamer Web, Monitoring
Internal Parasite Infection in Small Ruminants, Gastrointestinal Parasite
Management, Goat Knoll Farm Field Day, Drugs for Controlling Internal Parasites.
May 1999
Reflections - Combing Goats, The Udder, Mastitis, Milk Secretion, Noses, Teeth,
Legs and Butts (Goat Conformation), Internet Surfing, Scottish Cashmere, Book
Reports - Three Children's Books, Goat Breeds, Goats in the News, Animal Control
Using Pheromones, Small Dehairer News.
June 1999
Reflections - The Dog Food Effect, Ask Mickey, Custom Colors - A Fiber Business
and More, Entering Fleece Contests, Northwest Fiber Fest Fleece Competition
Results, Goat Meat Recipe, Like a Moth to a Flame, Paravets in Sudan, What
Makes a Goat Farmer? Faith!, Care of Show Fleeces, Value of Adding Cashmere
Fibre and Kid Meat in the Norwegian Dairy Goat Industry, Pashmina Shawl Fashion
Fetish, Arthritis.
July 1999
Reflections-Johnson's Pond, Cashmere Goats in the News, Management-Birth to
Breeding, Hand Dehairing Tips, Washing Cashmere, Alpacas Take Lamb off Fox
Menu, Mad Hatters Shear & Knit in One Sitting, Parable of the Sheep and
the Goats, Goat Gadgets-Foot Soak Tank for Small Flock, Important Lessons
I have Learned from my Goats, Black Sheep Gathering, Shearing Sheep and Goats,
Spinning Cashmere with Judith MacKenzie, Tips from Black Sheep Gathering Fiber
Animal Veterinary Clinic-Part I, Index to CashMirror 7/98-6/99.
August 1999 (Breeders' Showcase Issue)
The Boys are Back!, Reflections-Runner and Tippy, Cashmere 2000, Montana Knits
Update, Case for Shearing Goats, Working on a Goat Ranch, Procedures for Large
Herds, NWCA Fleece Competition at Crook County Fair-Story and Results, NWCA
Goat Show Results, Goat Farming and Nudity.
September 1999
Reflections-Fencing with Yellow Jackets, Goats and Diarrhea, An Embarrassing
Case of Fermentation, Pashmina Passion, Tons vs. Tonnes, Farm Feature-Castle
Crags Ranch, Montana, Processing Cashmere Small Scale, Shipping Goats-Photo
Essay, Ergot Poisoning, Tips from Black Sheep Gathering Fiber Animal Veterinary
Clinic-Part II, Cashmere 2000 Field Day in Montana, Chemical Shearing for
Sheep, Goat People-Kimberly Rorstrom-Wittig and Ann Dooling, The (Little)
Goat Roundup, Laminitis in Goats, Jokes for Economists.
October 1999
Reflections-Making a Good Impression in the East, New York Sheep and Wool
Festival, Virginia State Fair, ECA Goat Show and Fleece Competition Results,
The Maine Event, Solution for Gardener's/Hoof Trimmer's Knees, Resources for
Goat Owners, Resource Lists: Goat Supply Catalogs, Fleece Markets, Associations,
Reference Books, Internet Sites, Book Report-Why Cats Paint.
November 1999
Reflections-Musings of Hoof Trimmer, Peleted Feeds, Cashmere-What a Bargain!,
Ten Steps for Trimming Buck Hooves, Farm Feature-Bessey Place Cashmere, Maine,
World Cashmere Prices Climbing, Good Cashmere News from Down Under, Strube
Packing, I Sure Hope I Win Something, Animal Shipping Requirements, Goat Gadgets-Watering
Wagon and Water Bucket Clip, OFFF Cashmere Goat Show Results, 1999 Oregon
Flock and Fiber Festival, Scientists Sleuth Forage Secrets, Grazing Animals
Prefer Afternoon Hay.
December 1999
CM Tips for Surviving into the Next Century, Reflections-Containing the Bucks,
Jatropha Hedge, Mongolian Breeding Program-Project Overview, Body Condition
Scoring in Goats, Recipes-Kadjemoula and Moroccan Chevon, Goatkeeper's Closet,
BOCC V Conference, TCA Reject Referendum to Disband, MGM Meet and...?, Effects
of Location on Fiber Production by Cashmere Goats, 1999 Canadian Goat Gala.
January 2000
Reflections-Year 2000-Are we Ready?, A Herd of Two, Raising Cashmere Goats-One
Year In, Book Report-Meat Goats, Shearing Goats, Getting Ready for the Shearer,
Cashmere Goat Shearing Cashmere America Style, 10 Golden Shearing Rules, 1999
Canadian Goat Gala Cashmere Goat Winners, Goat Trailers, Spanish Town Gives
up Goat Toss, Recipe-Roast Chevon Greek Style.
February 2000
Reflections-Getting Ready for the Kids, Domestic Cashmere Prices-2000, Rules
of Dating a Goat Farmer, Changing a Hobby into a Business, Paul Goes to Obedience
School, How Many Dogs Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?, Savanna Goats,
Goat People-Christine Westvig, Oregon's 6th Annual Pygora Goat Show &
Fiber Frenzy, Preparing the Farm and Farm Animals for Disasters, USDA Launches
New Campaign to Help Small Farms, New Zealand National Agricultural Fieldays,
Diseases and the Show Ring, Recipes-Souvlakia & Jamaican Curried Goat.
March 2000
Reflections-Dog Alarms, Chicken Disposals and Cat Sleeping Aids, Goat Tax
Quiz, Diarrheal Diseases, Could your Goats Make you Sick?, Goats in Cyberspace
(URL's), Mew Missouri Computer Based Programs, Book Report-Goats of the World,
Just What is Pashmina?, What is CCMI?, Miracle of Compounding Goats, Goat
People-Karen Bean & Ian Balsillie, Three Current Cashmere Goat Research
Projects, Recipes-Roast Chevon with Mint Sauce and Capretto Al Vino Bianco.
April 2000
Reflections-Order to Chaos to Order, Refractions, Farm Feature-Royal Cashmere,
Nevada, Cashmere Down on Dairy Goats, Dzud in Mongolia, Barn First Aid Kit,
Barn First Aid Kit for People, How to Build a Kidding Date Computer Spreadsheet,
Herder Songs to Help Nature Nurture Newborns, Important Production Diseases
of Goats, Animal Agriculture-Conception to Consumption, Johne's Disease Tool
Now Patented, Selected Agricultural History, Ethnic Meat Goat Preferences,
Recipe-BBQ Chevon, Which Goat Tastes Best?
May 2000
Reflections-Immy and Oliver, Mongolian Disaster, Logarithmic Histograms, Goat
Care 101, Farm Feature-Goat Knoll, Oregon, Multi-tasking, Introducing New
CM Western Correspondents, NWCA Spring Field Day, Organic Goats in Sweden,
Goat Cook-Off in Texas, Recipe-Ultimate Party Drink.
June 2000
Reflections-Talking to the Animals, Refractions-The Visitors and Just One
More Thing, Official MGM News, Sheep and Goat Production in the Gobi Desert,
I Just Want to be a Farmer, Goat Grazing/Weed Control Management, Grinch and
the Goats, Challenging the Overdog, Castrating Buck Kids, Short History of
Goats in North America, What is the SAC?, Cashmere Goats (Scotland), One Coat
Goats, Recipe-Curry Goat.
July 2000
Cashmere-A Renewable Resource, Refractions, Importance of Good Record Keeping,
Cashmere Pattern Alert-Baby Bonnet, Fiber Show Folk, Dehairing Cashmere, Results
of Dehairing Machine Testing, Preparation & Classing of Goat Fleeces,
Goats Require a Balanced Ration, Daily Nutrient Requirements of Goats, Recipe-Birria,
Sore Mouth in Goats, Book Report-Folk Shawls, CLA-It's a Good Thing, Extinct
Goats-Never Fear Cloning is Here.
August 2000
Reflections-Planning, Tanning Your Goat Hides, Capretch Consulting, Meat Goat
Production Systems, Corpus Luteum, Douglas Maier-Certified Livestock Advisor,
Guardian Animals, Old Goats, Hair! And Cashmere, Cashmere Issues-Summary of
a Workshop, Horn Crash and Repair!, NWCA Fleece Competition Results, Black
Sheep Gathering, Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
September 2000 (no issue)
October 2000
Reflections-Luring Him to the Fiber Fair, Refractions, Lease a Goat, Goat
Hormones, Diseases Acquired from Sheep and Goats, Sometimes I Wish I Didn't
Have Quite so Much Help Around Here, How Many Rocks Will it Take?, ECA and
the Virginia State Fair-Photo Essay, ECA Fleece Competition Results, Caseous
Lymphadenitis and Pinkeye, Western Australia Goat News, Death is Not Necessarily
Forever (Cloning), Wildfires in Montana, Development and Testing of Knitted
and Woven Mohair and Cashmere Garments, Bach Thao Goat, Selected Glossary
of Fiber Terms.
November 2000
Reflections-Running Out of Material?, Update on Mongolia, Genetic Variation
in Melatonin Secretion in the Australian Goat, Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival
Event & Winners, OFFF Cashmere Goat Show Results, Lessons from OFFF, Coarse
Cashmere vs. Cashgora, Yarn Structure, Definitive Proof-Cashmere Goats Operate
Heavy Equipment, Goat Behavior, Texas State Fair Cashmere Goat Show Results,
BOCC VI Conference, Canola-Selenium Slurper.
December 2000
Tale of Love Gone Baaad!, Reflections-Avoiding the Cold with Fire, Refractions
& URL's, Managing Forages for Meat Goats, Table of Composition of Feedstuffs
for Goats, Mongolians Visit Montana-Photo Essay, Keeping Warm-Cold Goats (Photos),
National Performance Recording Scheme for the Cashmere Industry (Australia),
Practical Planning for Fencing, Handing and Shearing Systems for a Commercial
Cashmere Herd.
January 2001
Reflections-Discriminating Moths Choose Cashmere, Update on Mongolia (corrected),
Book Report-Magnificent Cashmere, Iraqi Email, Spider Silk from Goats' Milk,
Foot and Mouth Disease, CEI, FMD-Mongolia, Mongolia-Animal Imports, Plum Island
Center, Recent FMD Cases, Texas FMD Exercise, FMD per Smith & Sherman,
Bluetongue Triangle, Right to Farm/Bark, CM Index 7/99-12/00.
February 2001
Reflections-The Harvest, Cashmere Breed Improvement (Mongolia), Improving
Cashmere Goat Stocks in Rural Mongolia, USAID's Mission, Update on Dehairing,
Cashmere Prices USA, Mongolia Cashmere Prices, Cashmere Labeling Rules, Shear
Fun!, Goat People-Thompson/Workman, About Those Backyard Pets, Anthrax from
Cashmere?, Fuzzy Peaches, Iraqi Kurdistan, Ali and the Maraze Goat, UK Foot
and Mouth Disease, Goat Meat Carcass Cutting Styles, Capricornus Constellation,
Escorial Wool.
March 2001
Reflections-Surprise Lambs, Combing Cashmere Goats, Pizzle Rot, Foot and Mouth
Disease, FMD Update, Disinfectants for FMD, TB-Texas & Michigan, Importance
of Good Records, IRS Mission Statement, Book Report-Goat Song, How To Do Web
Pages, Goat Food-Oak & Corn, Cloning News, Manure/Hooves/the French, Guardian
Animals, Major Score in Spin Off, Quarantined Sheep in Vermont, Mad Cat Disease?
April 2001
FMD Update, Reflections-Animal Wisdom, Jamaican Holiday, Beagle Brigade, New
Research Foundation, New Parasite Research, Mummies Prefer Cashmere, Condition
Scoring, Goat Knoll Farm Poem, NWCA Field Day, Field Day Photos, Paul's Field
Day Tips, Economic Sustainability, Medicine Cabinet List, Missouri Internet
Goat Auction, Foot Rot, World Cashmere Prices, Wanted-Linda Cortright!
May 2001
Reflections-Style and Grace, Evaluating Goats, Goat Evaluation Form, Cashmere
Goats and Shawls, Cashmere Price Comparison with 1856, Nitrates in Feed, Latch-Key
Goats, Crossbred Fibre Goats, Cattle Guards, Recipe-Paul's No Brainer Goat
Chops, V.E.T.T., FMD Update, Uruguay FMD, Lupton Research, Australian Headlines,
Dahlem Cashmere Goats, Foreign Agents for Weed Control.
June 2001
Refractions-Goat Songs, ECA Fleece Contest Rules, NWCA Fleece Contest Rules,
Management of Brush Goats, Wyoming Weed Eaters, Goat Management, Federal Tax
Policy and Farms, Cashmere in Swazulu-Natal, Creating A Bronze Goat, Ali and
the Marze Goat.
July 2001
Reflections-Projects, Drought Feeding of Goats, Snow White's Fleece, Goat
Standing Research, Catching Wild Goats, $35 million for Animal Disease, Goats'
Eyes, Vacation Planning.
August 2001
Reflections-Horrors of Deep Pack Bedding, Overgrazed Land, Local Dehairing
(Australia), Technology Strikes Again, Mullins' Goat Tools, Feed Quality Control,
Animal Pest Solutions, What is the Extension Service?, Chronic Wasting Disease,
Wildlife and Animal Disease, Feral Goats, Anthrax, Broken Leg, PCMA Dissolved,
Cashmere Tents?, NWCA Fleece Competition Results, Japan and BSE, Goats Before
September 2001
Reflections-Back to School, Lights Out for Dr. Lupton, Dr. Lupton Speaks,
Prickle Factor, Indian Tribe Fights, Cashmere in Kazakstan, Can This Fleece
Be Saved?, Enterprise Budgeting, Facial Eczema, Russian Ruminants, CAE, Colostrum
Substitutes, Slow Food, Washington Fiber Show Pictures, Brucellosis Indemnity
Proposal, Improved Goats, Langlois Cashmere Goats.
October 2001
Winners of Photography Contest, Reflections-Moving Day, Reflecting on the
North American Cashmere Industry, Tooey's Travels, Recombinant Antigens, Anthrax
Revisited, Watch for Livestock Disease, Anthrax-General Information, Blocking
a Shawl, Air Travel with a Pet, Microbial Sequencing, Managing Manure, Fly
Control Strategies, Sheep Cashmere?, New Goat Meat Standards, Australian Goat
Meat, Goats in Afghanistan, Seven Dwarves' Complaints, Goats in Slovakia.
November 2001
Just the Facts-Brief Goat Handling Facts, New Grant Funds Available, Lessons
Learned at the Virginia State Fair, A Goat Song, ECA Fleece Competition Results,
ECA Cashmere Goat Show Results, Texas Cashmere Goat Show Results, Neosporosis,
Tibetans Comb Gold (Cashmere), Tibetan Goat Photos, Anti-Static Cashmere?,
EDEN Disaster Network, Compliance Inspections, Berserker Buck, Part-Time Farmers,
Part-Time Farm Decisions, Weed Eaters, Udder Problems, Clostridium Sordellii.
December 2001
Refractions-Kids and Tags, Biologics Meetings, Multispecies Grazing, What
is ATTRA?, Identifying Sheep and Goats, 2001 USA Grain Production, Tag Wars-Ear
Tag Choices, Paul's Sad Tale, How to Ear Tag a Goat, Goat Knoll Tag Scheme,
Tags in Wrong Ears!, Meat Goat Production in Georgia, Capricorn Cashmere Sale.
January 2002
Reflections-Kidding Difficulties, You Know You Are a Goat Farmer When...,
Computer Tip for Making the Micron Symbol, Overview of Missouri Goat Industry,
Respiratory Diseases, Respiratory Diseases of Show Goats, Holy Goats, Meningeal
Worms & Liver Flukes, Goat Owner's Experience with Meningeal Worms, Timeline
of Events for Sheep and Goats, Pre/Post Kidding Preparations for Does and
Kids, Birth of Arwen, Index to CashMirror Issues 2001, Texas Fences Out Colorado
Deer and Elk.
February 2002
Reflections-Living Within your Eggs, Scrapie Information from Lincoln University,
What is the National Institute for Animal Agriculture?, Scrapie-Information
from the National Institute for Animal Agriculture, How to Sell Bald Goats,
Scrapie Information-USDA APHIS, Ear Tags for Scrapie Identification, Goat
Ranching-Not So Bad, NWCA Meets ECA, Is it a Disease or is it a Parasite?,
Kid Shots (Photographs), Do Chickens Have Skins?, The Ligament Test (for Kidding
Imminence), Scrapie Eradications News Release.
March 2002
Reflections-Sally, Cashmere 2000, Inc. Reverts to PMF Cashmere Co., Dr. Z
Visits Montana Cashmere Ranch, Crossword Puzzle, Chansons de Toile, Progress
Report-Management of Hills-Lands in Appalachia for Sustainable Forage and
Livestock Productions, What's in a Micron?, Spin a Yarn with Gunnison 4H Club,
Goat Farmers Could Profit from Peanuts, Kansas Cattle Negative for FMD, Pennsylvania
Researchers Study Goat Milk Cheese, Keeping Cashmere Goats, Origin of the
Scottish Cashmere Goat, Fiber Identification by Burning, Uses for Fleece Rejects,
Rebuilding Afghanistan's Agriculture.
April 2002
Refractions-A Farm Tale, DNA Preservation from Texas Spanish and Angora Flocks,
WTO Can Help World's Poor Farmers, Brief Dehairing News Update, New Technology
for New Age Goats-Cashmere De-hairer Revolutionary, US Cashmere Goat Herd
Codes, Measuring (Lamb) Waste on the Run, Alternative Livestock Industry-Trends
and Disease Issues, Economics of an Australian Commercial Cashmere Goat Enterprise,
Weed Control with Vinegar?, Dawson's Niche Strategy Makes Progress, Cashmere
Socks (8%), Answers to Crossword Puzzle, Hachenberger Dehairing Survey.
May 2002
Reflections-Opening up the Wild Side, Cashmere Scarf Pattern Alert, New Brochure
on Scrapie, Third National Small Farm Conference, Farm Dogs, Cougar Conflict
Challenges In Lane County Oregon, Living with Wildlife, Some Goats are Shaped
Better than Others (Conformation), Puppy Uppers and Doggy Downers, Take a
Walk on the Wild Side (photo display), Northwest Cougars, Haemonchus contortus
Management Plan for Sheep and Goats in Texas, Chinese Cashmere Market Review,
Brief Summary of Basic Goat Care, Where's the Customers, Cougars-Endangered
Species in Some Areas, Computer Memory for Dummies, St. John's Wort Miracle
Cure, Honey, You Shouldn't Have!
June 2002
Reflections-Fun with Fence, The Art of Fencing, Mending Wall, Internet Addresses
for Fencing Info, Fence (Feet)-US Government Code, 17 Mistakes to Avoid with
Electric Fencing, Fencing with Power Point, Conductor Comparisons, Managed
Grazing Systems and Fencing, Designing a Fence-Tips for Small Acreages in
Oregon, International Goat Association 20th Anniversary Celebration, Useful
(not really) Information about Computers.
July 2002
Refractions-Buck Feet and Weaning and Other Random Thoughts, Castration of
Ruminants, Castration, Castration of Buck Kids, Five (5) Castration Methods,
Castration-In Practice (results of reader survey), Goat Gadgets-Goat Trailer,
NWCA 2002 Fleece Competition Results, Black Sheep Gathering 2002 (photo display),
Cashmere Goat Show at Estes Park Wool Market, The Goats in India, Facts about
India, Goats in the Northern Temperate Region of India, Results of (Hachenberger)
Dehairing Machine Survey, Hanford Thyroid Disease Study, The West Nile Virus.
August 2002
The Reinstalling Windows Song, Refractions by Mini-Pearl, A Cloned Cat!, Improving
Livestock Diet and Nutrition, Alternative Medicine-Definitions, Alternative
Medicine for Goats, Treating Livestock with Medicinal Plants: Beneficial or
Toxic?, Review of Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases, From
the Green Pharmacy, Ethnoveterinary Medicine in the Tropics-Key Issues and
the Way Forward, Coccidia Infection in Ruminants, Colorado Noxious Weeds,
Abscesses, Cysts and Lumps, APHIS Weed Policy, What's New? HiMag Fescue, What's
in a Weed?, Contents of Dandelion Greens, Enhancing Goat Production, Forage
to Make Taste Buds Tingle.
September 2002
You Know You Are Spending Too Much Time with Your Goats When:, Reflections-Cats
With a Purpose, CashMirror Publications Office and Print Shop Photos, Eastern
Cashmere Association 2002 Fleece Competition Results, Predation!, Coyotes
Kill Sheep/Guard Dogs Guard Sheep, Guard Llamas and Guard Donkeys, Livestock
Guard Dogs, Llamas and Donkeys, Livestock Guardian Dogs-Shepherds' Assistants,
Emergency Euthanasia of Sheep & Goats, Use of Mixed Breed Dogs as Guardians,
Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival 2002 Goat/Sheep Show Results, Oregon Flock
and Fiber Festival 2002 Selected Fiber/Fiber Arts Results.
October 2002
What Good Little Goat Farmer Boys Get for Christmas, Refractions-Winterize
Your Goat, Little Quinn-Growing Up, ECA Cashmere Goat Show at Rhinebeck NY,
Goats Discovered Coffee, The Capricious Side of the 2002 NY Sheep and Wool
Festival, Work Continues to Validate Scrapie Test for International Use, Pan-American
Cashmere Goat Show 2002 Results, ECA Goat Show Results 2002 Richmond, Yarn
Tips, Cyber Cow Whisperer and Virtual Fence, Cashmere Quality at the Baft
Station in Last Two Decades (Iran), Antibiotic Use in Animals.
November 2002
Dieting Tips for the Holidays, Refractions-Wandering Thoughts of a Delusional
Publisher, Antimicrobial Drug Use and Veterinary Costs in US Livestock Production,
Why is the Internet Slow?, Recipe for GoodDog Biscuits, Goat Gadgets-Doug's
New Economy Hay Feeder, Spinning Fine Lace Yarn, Pen-Bonding a Flerd, How
to Develop and Manage Contraspecific Livestock Groups (FLERDS), How to Make
a Flerd, Beginning Farmer Programs, Sustainable Use of Goats as a Vegetation
Management Tool, Goat Production in Nepal.
December 2002
A 2003 Calendar!
January 2003
Dog Biscuit Taste Test, Reflections-Selecting a Spinning Wheel, Alert! Exotic
Newcastle Disease Spreads from California to Nevada, Research Brief-Location
and breed effects on cashmere production goats, Reading the Tails, Goat Foot
Rot Infection Clinical Trial, Research Brief-Location and season effects on
mohair production by Angora goats, Paul's Web Picks of the Month, The Origins
of Domestic Goats, New Meat Goat Association in Douglas County, Oregon, Dehairing
Cashmere by Hand, Book Report-Women's Work-The First 20,000 Years, Goat People-Shannon
Atkinson, Dog Biscuit Recipes (3), Relationships among forage chemistry, chewing
and retention time with intake and hay digestibility by goats, Feed Management
and the Rumen, 2002 Index to CM back issues.
February 2003
Refractions, Year of the Sheep/Goat?, Mystery of Chinese Calendar Beginnings,
Introduction to Paddock Design and Fencing for Controlled Grazing, Domestic
Goats in Madagascar, Does Exposure to Livestock Provide Protection Against
Asthma?, Support for the Hygiene Hypotheses, Treatment of Feedyard Dust Containing
Endotoxin and its Effect on Goats, Goat performance, forage selectivity and
forage quality dynamics in three cultivated warm season pastures in north-central
Texas, All About Goats, Plum Island Animals Disease Center Moves, Livestock
in Ladakh.
March 2003
Refractions, Icelandic Goat Breed, 2003 Dehairing Options, Eye Why, Effect
of plane of nutrition and shearing on the pattern of moult in Scottish Cashmere
goats, Dyeing with Kool Aid, Management at Kidding, Sheep and Goat Farming
in Iceland.
April 2003 (no issue)
May 2003
Reflections-Training the Border Collie, Tooey's Place, Facts and Opinions
of Small Farmers, Hair Patterns and attitudes on Colorado bulls, Study of
Maraz Goats (Iraq), Housing for Sheep and Goats, Extinction-Genetic Diversity
at Risk, Use for Goat Guard Hair, NWCA Goat Show-photographs, NWCA Goat and
Fleece Show results, Wes Ackley Fiber Classing Clinic.
June 2003
Reflections-Summertime and the Goatkeeping is Easy, Controlling Stress in
Farm Animals, Heat Stress in Animals, Keeping Animals Cool, Signs of Hyperthermia,
Rhododendrons are Poisonous to Goats, Plants Poisonous to Livestock in Western
States, Nitrate-Accumulating Plants, Genetics and Animal Health, Estimating
Cashmere Yield, Cashmere America Fleece Appraisal Form, Working Goats-Goats
R Us, Hoof Trimming 101, External Parasites of Ruminants, Web Sites of Interest.
July 2003
About Ackley's Old Sweet Face, Reflections-Cleaning the Fleece Room (Again),
End of the Raven (Poem by Edgar Allen Poe's Cat), 2003 Estes Park Cashmere
Events and photographs, Estes Park results of Goat Show, Goats
A Species
Whose Time has Come, About Kiko Goats, First Case of Animal Antrhax in 2003
in Texas, Goat Diseases and the Showring, The "Junk" cashmere sweater,
Who's Feeding the Goats Now?
August 2003
Refractions/Reflections-Early Breeding, Moving at the Speed of Goat (about
Mongolian cashmere goats), West Nile Virus-What everyone should know, Safe
Sex-fertility of wethers after neutering, Hereditability Statistics for Cashmere
Goats, Hereditability-Definitions and Explanations, Goat Selection and Breeding
Systems (Geneticcs), All About Artificial Insemination in Goats.
September 2003
Reflections-Obsessive Spinning, McNab Family Goats (Calif.), Sheep and goat
nematode resistance to anthelmintics, USDA & Humane Society Agreement,
Cattle Brucellosis Eradication in Texas-Almost, Paul's Internet Choices, The
Buck Knows Best (determining heat in does), NWCA Field Day at Walkers-photos,
Trends in Extension Resources, More Goat Diseases-Leptospirosis & Dermatophilosis,
Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival photos, Recommendations for Petting Zoos,
Animals Fairs and Exhibits where contact between animals and people is permitted,
Rabies Prevention in Livestock, Goat Rabies Vaccine Project, Why all the Fuss
about Rabies in Goats?, Summary of Rabies Cases in US in 2000, Animals Rabies
Within the US, Balancing Conservation Costs and Benefits. 50 non-goat Facts
you Could Have Done Without.
October 2003
Reflections-Felting Cashmere accidentally, More about the McNab Family Goats,
Garment Shrinkage Problems and How to Handle them, Feeding your Buck, ECA
Fleece Competition results (NY), ECA Goat Show Results (Richmond), Sheep Research
to study human menopause, Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases, New Zealand
cashmere socks, Horror Stories from computer tech support, US Animals Identification
Plan, Simple Indigestion, Copper Deficiency in Goats, Nomadic Felts of Turkey,
Goat People-Karen Bean.
November 2003
Reflection-So it's goodbye, Introducing Wild Fibers Magazine, Feeding for
Two (or Three)-feeding pregnant does, USDA and Raccoon Rabies in Alabama,
Georgia & Tennessee, ECA Goats at NY Sheep and Wool Festival, How Much
Hay per goat?, Report on 4-H Year (Tenino, WA), Electronic Guard: Tool for
Predation Control, Falling With Grace-How to Avoid injury from your goats,
ECA Goat Show Results (Richmond), Defining Breeds of Livestock, Quantum Dichotomy
of Goats, Prediction of Greasy Wool Factors with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.
December 2003
Hunks with Goats - A 2004 calendar - human hunks (aka men) and cashmere goats.
The year is over, but the photographs in non-living color (aka black and white)
are still grand!
Another Note: The above index is wonderful if you just want to browse for interesting stuff. However, if you have a particular subject in mind, it will be less tedious to check out the Alpha Index which includes 7/96 - 11/03. We are currently working on a comprehensive index which will include all issues from 10/89 - 11/03.
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